sexta-feira, dezembro 18, 2009

You have enough storage, you don't need to eat anymore...

Picture of me in feb/march 2009

So I've been in Brazil for about 8 months now(since may)! Urgh such a long time, but thank God it has gone by super fast!

Well it all started because I decided to come to Brazil to see my parents and throw them a 30th anniversary bash, and I was only going to stay here for 10 days. But on the day of my flight back I got sick :( and ended up staying.. just for a few more days till I felt better ;/ Then a family friend mentioned she had met someone who was going to this great weight loss doctor and that I should check it out. ( I've fighting with my weight since.. well forever.)So I went to the doctor, and right up front he said the "treatment"( I call it torture) would last around a year. I'm sure something possessed me at the moment that I agreed to spend a year in Brasil!There's no other reasonable explanation really...

So we started the treatment, he( the doc) explained everything to me. How I would have to take supplements and how it was a homeopathic treatment blablabla.. I love how he said "You have enough storage, you don't need to eat anymore." I think that's called anorexia, but he's the doc right.. Then they took my initial weight grrr, which was 136 kilos or roughly 300lbs. Jaw dropping I know! I couldn't believe where I had let myself go! I had always been "hefty" but 300lbs that was crazy! Then begun my long torturous Journey to a better me!